Monday, August 10, 2009

Let me explain

Usually when performers are trying to "sell themselves" they use the label "triple threat." A trio of talents that instantaneously implies the great potential this performer has. Generally the trio consists of acting, singing and dancing. In fact, I don't think you would ever combine another combination. The "triple threat" is seen as the ultimate competition; the best it gets; the gift of the acting gods. Well, ladies and gentlemen, it gets better.

Oh so often the other aspects of performance are over-looked. Instrumentalists! That's right, the people who play the expensive instruments are performers too. Then there are the directors, music directors and choreographers. Not a single show in production can do without one or all of these.

So let's break this down in relation to moi. I am an actor...threat 1. I am a singer...threat 2. I am dancer...threat 3. Here's where it gets good. I am an instrumentalist (I can play almost anything you put in front of me)...threat 4. I direct, music direct and choreograph (so, not only can I apply all of the aforementioned skills, I can also teach and direct others to do so)...threat 5.

Therefore, in essence, I am a quintuple threat. A penta-tastic combination of talent.


1 comment:

Davis Michels said...

Very well said Fran! So many people forget , or don't even realize how many other aspects go into performing. You are a very talented individual, and the name is fitting. I think the key thing for this is something you wouldn't say about yourself, so I'll say it for you. Not only are you capable of the quintuple threat, but you do them all extremely well, and you push others to just as well. I know I always enjoy working with you!